Parent and community groups sponsor programs, raise funds, help staff school projects, and facilitate communication.Together, the active involvement of our parents and local community make a meaningful difference to our students, faculty and staff.

Click on the group name or activity below to learn more.

Madison Music And Arts (MMA)
A district-wide parent group that partners faculty and staff to actively support K-12 music programs in our schools.

Madison Parents and Professionals for Exceptional Children (PPEC)
A district-wide collaboration between parents and the Special Services Department to help our children grow, and help the community to better understand the special needs of our children.

PTO's are active in each of the five schools.

  • Torey J Sabatini PTO

  • Kings Road PTO

  • Central Avenue PTO

  • Madison Junior School PTO

  • Madison High School PTSO

Athletic Booster Clubs
Many individual sports programs have support from parent/community booster groups

Before and After School Care

Provided at each elementary school by the Thursday Morning Club and the Madison Community House.

Madison Alliance Against Substance Abuse (MAASA)

Parent representatives from each school are involved with this community organization, helping with programming and communication that prevents abuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs by the youth in our community.

Supplemental Documents and Forms

Here you will find additional documents and forms that the schools may request