January 20, 2023
Dear Parents,
Madison Public Schools will be conducting a School Climate Survey for all students in grades three through twelve during the week of February 6, 2023. The survey will be administered during class time and it is anticipated students will need 30 minutes to complete the survey. The district would like all students to take part in the survey, however, the survey is voluntary. Students may choose to discontinue the survey at any time. If you do not wish for your child to complete the survey, please complete this form.
In addition to collecting data regarding student perceptions, the district also plans to administer surveys to all staff and parents in the Madison Public Schools community. The surveys for students, staff, and parents will include items pertaining to perceptions on such topics as school climate, respect and safety as well as academic programs. For the staff and parent surveys, items regarding the school community and communication will also be included. Please note that each item included in the surveys was developed based on a review of multiple data points as well as stakeholder input regarding areas of critical importance and focus for the district.
The results of the surveys will be used to develop programs and initiatives designed to not only enhance the experience of students but also to further support staff and parents in the community. It is important to note that all responses will be anonymous as the district will not be collecting any personally identifiable information as part of the data collection process. The results of the survey will also be reviewed in the 2023 State of the Schools Address.
A copy of the student survey can be found here. Parent and staff surveys are also linked to this document for your convenience.
Frank Santora, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services