Happy Friday! Please see this week's MJS Update with information on MJS Steam Academy, Educator of the Year Nominations, and our Window Into Learning at MJS. Click here - https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Join us tonight, live at MJS for motivational speaker Carlos Ojeda Jr. 6:30pm, MJS Auditorium. We are also live streaming this event - Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82720179110?pwd=d2RpaGRJZFR5eVFsWVQ5T2lndkF3UT09
over 2 years ago, Madison Junior School
Happy Friday, MJS Community, Please take a moment to review our weekly update with news on summer music & arts programming, and a peek inside some of the learning in our classrooms. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Good afternoon MJS Community. Please check out this week's update with information on our fast-approaching spring musical performances and a peek inside at the great learning in our classrooms, including 8th-grade social studies, and our Art and STEM learning spaces. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Happy Super Bowl Weekend! Please check out this week's newsletter with information on an upcoming parent forum hosted by MPS and a peek into this week's learning at MJS in our math, world language, and PE/Health classrooms. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Dear MJS Community. Be sure to check out this week's newsletter with highlights of the fantastic student & staff learning this week and current MJS building events. Click here (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Dear MJS Community, Please check out this week's MJS Update from Principal Phillips. Have a safe and fun weekend in the snow. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Madison Junior School
Be sure to check out our MJS Weekly Update with information on reports cards and Star Reports, our new digital hall pass system, and upcoming yearbook deadlines. Click here - https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Happy Friday, MJS Community, Please take a moment to check out our weekly update. We hope everyone has a warm extra long three-day weekend. https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
MJS Community - Please be sure to review this week's newsletter with updated guidance on our basketball game attendance and a review of our current remote learning procedures. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Have a safe and restful break MJS community. Check out our last newsletter of 2021 here - https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Good afternoon MJS Community - click here to check out this week's update from Ms. Phillips. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Madison Junior School
Happy Friday! We are looking forward to hosting our Chorus and Orchestra families for concerts this week. Check out our weekly newsletter at this link (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Tonight! MJS Middle School Preview Night. Please join us via this Zoom webinar link if you are unable to join us for this evening's 6:30 pm in person event. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Dec 6, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: MJS Preview Night for 5th Grade Parents Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83373455613?pwd=RjN5MUxuUEgzWHVld2RlYmtqb0xEQT09
over 2 years ago, Madison Junior School
We have some wonderful winter events coming up at the junior school in the next few weeks - we hope you can join us! Information is available in this week's update. (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
over 2 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Check out this week's newsletter with info on Fall Play ticket ordering and family tours of the building! Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving next week. Click here for the update (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Please be sure to check out this week's MJS update with information including yearbook ordering, conferences, and Star reports. Click here - https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Phillips
Please join us for Coffee & Conversation this evening, 7pm. Click the link to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86207407385?pwd=STFuOGRDUno5WnFSTjFWNHFadXVTUT09
almost 3 years ago, Madison Junior School
Please check out our update for the weeks of Oct. 31 and Nov. 3. Happy Halloween! Click here (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
almost 3 years ago, Madison Junior School
Dear MJS Community: Please check out our weekly update with information about next week's 7th & 8th Grade Red Ribbon Week Assembly and Halloween Social Permission Forms. Click here (https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/mjs/page/current-mjs-weekly-update)
almost 3 years ago, Madison Junior School