An annual Preparticipation Physical Examination requested by the Department of Education must be submitted to the school for all students’ grades 6-12 planning to participate in the interscholastic sports program at Madison Junior School and High School. Those students who have a physical on file with the nurse within 365 days of the first day of practice will submit a health history update questionnaire. The state mandates any student with a physical within 366 or more days of the start of practice is invalid and will need to submit a new physical examination.
Physical examinations shall be conducted within 365 days of the first day of official practice in an athletic season and shall be conducted by a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse APN, or physician assistant PA who has completed the Cardiac Assessment Professional Development Module. Additionally, students whose medical examination was completed more than 90 days prior to the first day of official practice in an athletic season shall provide a health history update questionnaire completed and signed by the student’s parent.
Please review all paperwork for completeness before submitting the physical to your school nurse at least one month prior to the start of your student’s chosen athletic sport. Students shall not be permitted to participate on a school sponsored interscholastic or intramural athletic team unless the student submits his/her physical examination and it is approved by the school physician. Physical examinations that are incomplete will be returned to the parent/student for completion. This may delay the processing of your athlete’s paperwork.
In keeping with state code, all physicals will be reviewed by the school nurse and approved by our school physician before the students will be allowed to participate.
Follow the link below for the athletic physical paperwork:
Required Athletic Preparticipation Physical Forms
Junior School information about MJSAO Dodgers:
What is Madison Junior School Athletic Organization?
Health History update:
Health History Update Form
Must be completed by the parent for each sport season if a valid in-date physical is on file in the nurse's office.
Keep Hydrated
On the field and off it is important to keep hydrated.