All organizations please note:
No facility is secured by any group until a permit is issued.
Please be advised the district no longer accepts paper applications for use of our facilities. The new online process for all facility use requests is called rSchoolToday.
The first step in the process is to register to be approved as a "client/requester" by visiting the rSchoolToday portal below to set up your organization with a user name and password. For organizations such as PTOs & Booster Clubs that would change presidents (the requester) annually, please choose a generic, simple user name and password. Each year, new presidents of such organizations should contact Mrs. Iatarola to set up their new user name and password, which will enable them to submit facility use requests.
Once your organization is approved as a "client", you will receive an e-mail from rSchoolToday which will include a link to enable you to request dates for your event(s).
Procedures for the online request process for use of school facilities:
Please allow enough lead time (45 days minimum) for this process to take place:
Click on the link above to register to become a client/requester.
Once approved, complete online requests.
Please complete all information on the online application, such as attendance for the event, all equipment needs and set-up time/and or tear-down time (if applicable), etc., or the request may be denied.
Obtain and provide (via fax or e-mail) a Certificate of Insurance with an expiration date (see below for new requirements).
For athletic team organizations, complete and return Statement of Assurance for head injuries.
If you are submitting multiple dates with different times, please submit separate requests for each time period; also if you are requesting different buildings, please submit separate requests for each building as the approvers are different for each building. But if your request is for only one building, and the times are the same, PLEASE submit all dates in one request. This will eliminate additional paperwork and emails to the approvers.
Permission to use any facility is contingent upon securing a permit for final approval of one’s application. Final approval is required before the event may take place. If you are approved as a client, this does not mean your event is approved. You must obtain a permit with a permit number.
Payment, if applicable, must be received prior to the event taking place.
Please only submit requests for this current school year, please do not submit requests for the next school year (school year = 7/1 to 6/30).
Please be advised that on the date(s) of your event, your organization will be responsible for custodial overtime charges; additional custodial clean-up fees may be charged; the additional custodial fee may be charged for outdoor/grounds work if such work is requested or required, as determined by the district.
Please note, if you wish to rent our High School auditorium, organizations are not permitted to use our stage lights or sound system.
Rate Schedule for School Facilities, click below:
Fee Schedule-Use of Facilities-Revised 01-07-2020
Revised Policy, and Regulation, click below:
Facilities Calendar Public View:
Insurance Requirements:
Each user shall present evidence of the purchase of organizational liability insurance with each request, stating dates, times and name of school locations, a Certificate of Insurance naming Madison Board of Education as additional insured, in limits of at least $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 for general aggregate as prescribed by district regulations. Such insurance shall be with a company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey. Users shall be financially liable for damage to the facilities and for proper chaperonage as required by the school district administration.
Failure to comply with the above directions will mean that your insurance certificate will be returned to you, thus causing a delay for approval of the event.
Statement of Assurance - Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries Youth Sports Team Organization:
Each athletic/sports team organization renting district facilities must complete, sign and return the Statement of Assurance to
Please click below for the document:Statement of Assurance
Emergency Procedure Information:
It is the responsibility of each user to familiarize themselves with the facility at which they will be holding their event. This familiarization shall include but not be limited to: identification and knowledge of the entrances to the facility, review of the location of the exits both in the location being used and the location as a whole; consideration of an exit plan for the user’s staff & participants in case of emergency, location of AEDs within the facility, general parking, handicapped parking, loading areas and the like.
Please note the following Borough of Madison Ordinance:
Fireman on duty at public assemblies:
Whenever any building or structure, other than a residence, shall be used as a place of assembly for any purpose by 50 persons or more, the owner or lessee of said building or structure or the person in charge of said assembly or function is hereby required to have a fireman or firemen assigned to duty in said building or structure while such assembly or function is being conducted. This provision shall not apply to the normal day-to-day activities conducted at churches, theaters and other buildings, such as but not limited to the YMCA and Community House, but shall apply to all special functions conducted at such churches, theaters and other buildings. Any fee incurred is collected by and paid to the Madison Fire Department.
Questions regarding the online application process or fees should be addressed to Jawad Issak at