A reminder for parents/guardians of fully remote students - please reach out to Mrs. Empson no later than 9/29 to schedule your child's Picture Day time slot!
TJS is happy to support this student led initiative - A Diverse Book Donation Drive! Please refer to this flyer for more information - https://5il.co/l8qc . The book donation bin will be outside the main office until Sept. 25.
Check out Mrs. Crescas's Weekly News from the Nurse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UC4Wm2rPqIKhJ0N0bxUUFTHZokluTTcF/view?usp=sharing
Happy Friday! Please click the link to view this week's Principal Newsletter - https://5il.co/l6l7
We can't wait to see you all virtually for our TJS Back to School Night! Click here to access the agenda and important video links - https://5il.co/l2ss
Don't forget to sign your child up for in-person social lunch groups with Mrs. Bletcher. These groups are open to ALL students! Please click the link for more information - https://forms.gle/7F81Z7ExtzcNzh5m8
A friendly reminder that tonight is our TJS Virtual Back to School Night from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. You can expect another message early this evening with several important video links!
Check out the 9.11.20 Weekly Principal Newsletter! (https://5il.co/kwnn) & Mrs. Sing's Virtual Principal Office https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSs3iJ_eGf45zZdk2zjiubTVtQJUovIKqm9cz6WVDgRqH_xsdnNEXvUAyqwcFrEW5hbXKytSnh0HOpE/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
A friendly reminder...today Friday, Sept. 11th is a Gold Cohort Day. Don't forget all parents/guardians are required to complete the Daily Covid Health Screening Form in Genesis for each of your children by 7:30 AM!
TJS families - Please view this important message about an incident and safety information. https://5il.co/kvkd
Happy first day! Today is an in-person GOLD day. Use this daily checklist to help you each morning - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hdij6gv5YWAg-z-Eaw94vXQfBm5YUGmy/view?usp=sharing Please complete the Arrival/Dismissal Form (one per child) -https://forms.gle/aYMHq9AshdTkwDxy9
TJS Families-Please check your email for important information and useful videos that will help you and your child get ready for school this coming Tuesday. Happy Labor Day!
Check your email for a message from our nurse! We are excited to share PSA videos that we hope will help students with the transition to school. Videos are posted under the Health Office Tab - Video Vault - https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/o/tjs/page/tjs-video-vault-covid19
Parents/Guardians please check your emails!
Chromebook Inventory Google Form (for parents/guardians of students in grades 1-5) - https://forms.gle/cDizHU7VPJZhrkj88
Arrival/Dismissal Google Form (one per child for all students K-5) - https://forms.gle/BKiC7S6C3jL8bdfp8
Please click here (https://5il.co/k0z3) for additional reopening information.
TJS Families - Please view our welcome letter that includes important dates and reopening information! https://5il.co/jt52
Linked below you will find a letter from the elementary schools. https://5il.co/jbnd
Check out the 2020-21 Student Supply Lists for each grade level! https://5il.co/i09a
The Madison Public Schools new website is live. Please sign up for notifications by downloading our new app and clicking on the settings icon!
Follow us on Twitter @ToreyJSabatini